Есть вопросы?
1. Prices have fallen in the food business because of
advances in food production and distribution technology.
2. Consumers have benefited
greatly from those advances.
3. Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen
for many years, and continues to drop.
4. Supermarkets have helped push down prices
mainly because of their scale.
5. And their size allows
them to buy in bulk.
- сложность не определена
3. Youth market trend analysts says
there is no single strategy.
4. Marketers must offer students something
that adds to their lives.
5. It's not enough to simply sponsor a music tour:
they have to make the event happen.
1. The student market in the UK
is estimated to be worth 13 billion pounds of spending power a year.
2. Marketers are desperate to get students' attention
before they turn into high-earning graduates.
- сложность не определена
16 слов
01 мар 2019

Characters larger than life

In any book, cartoon or film we all love to see the heroes
defeat the villains, save the world, win the girl and live happily ever after.
Saruman, from The Lord of the Rings,
is an all-time favourite villain.
He is a tall wizard
with a long white beard and cold dark eyes.
He wears a long white robe
and carries a magic staff.
Once he was a good wizard but the power of a magic ring has made him evil and greedy
and now he wants to rule the world.
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22 слова
01 мар 2019

An Antarctic Expedition

On the 23rd of December
an expedition almost reached the Antarctic after two months at sea.
Although it was summer there and there were 24 hours of sunshine,
it was still freezing and there were huge icebergs everywhere.
One of their tasks was to check the numbers, movement and feeding behaviour
of the penguin colonies.
They had to be very careful
so that no penguin is hurt.
On the 24th of December
the expedition members sang Christmas carols to the penguins.
- сложность не определена
An haute couture dress can cost more
than $100,000.
Not surprisingly, there are no more
than 2,000 haute couture customers in the world.
The commercial point is that haute couture
is the fashion house's loss leader.
It creates the image
of the brand.
Fashion shows may be expensive, but the publicity they generate works out cheaper and more effective
than spending $80,000 a page on advertisements in the glossy fashion magazines.
- очень легко
22 слова
31 янв 2019

The Antarctic Expedition

On the 23rd of December
an expedition almost reached the Antarctic after two months at sea.
Although it was summer there and there were 24 hours of sunshine,
it was still freezing and there were huge icebergs everywhere.
One of their tasks was to check the numbers, movement and feeding behaviour
of the penguin colonies.
They had to be very careful
so that no penguin is hurt.
On the 24th of December
the expedition members sang Christmas carols to the penguins.
- сложность не определена
18 слов
14 янв 2019

Bizarre events

The Bognor Birdman Competition takes place
in Bognor Regis in May.
Competitors build strange homemade flying machines
or wear unusual costumes and try to 'fly' off the pier.
The person who flies the furthest
wins a large cash prize.
Many of the fliers take part
to raise money for charity.
As many as 40,000 spectators
watch this competition every year.
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11 слов
21 дек 2018

Upstream B1 p55

Do you love to go shopping,
but seem to spend all your hard-earned cash on just one or two items?
If so, why not consider hunting around
for cheaper, second-hand options?
With a little time and patience,
it's possible to find some great bargains.
People bring unwanted things
that they dig out of their attics and garages to a car boot sale.
There, in a large car park or on a school playing field,
they sell them or swap them with other traders for something else.
- сложность не определена
20 слов
12 дек 2018

Colors : Medical Terminology

alb/o, albin/o
- сложность не определена
14 слов
07 апр 2018


one system, a whole thing
understandable, connected, proper
to level
make smth the same level
a far cry from
to differ from smth very much
a stroll, to stroll
a relaxed walk
- сложно
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