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Intelligent Business Pre-Int Unit 6 (пересказ)

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1. Michael Laine hopes that his new business, LiftPort Group,
will complete a space elevator by 2018.
2. The private space industry is expected to grow,
[ 2 ðe 'praivit speis 'indəstri iz iks'pektɪd tu: grəu ]
but many of the new ventures like the space elevator seem extremely risky.
3. Of course, Laine knows
[ 3 əv kɔ:s la:ɪn nəuz ]
that things will not be easy.
4. First of all,
[ 4 fə:st əv ɔ:l ]
there's the start-up cost.
5. Then there's the fact that the cable for the elevator needs to be stronger
than anything in industrial use today.
6. Laine runs the company on a tight budget
[ 6 la:ɪn rʌnz ðe 'kʌmpəni ɔn ə tait 'bʌʤit ]
and employs only five people.
7. He says he plans to raise capital and set up joint ventures
with other technology businesses.
8. The elevator could carry loads
[ 8 ðe 'eliveitə kud 'kæri ləudz ]
of five thousand kilos per day.
9. It could deliver over a million kilos of material per year
- resulting in billions of dollars in sales.
10. But with so many problems to overcome,
[ 10 bʌt wið səu 'meni 'prɔbləmz tu: ,əuvə'kʌm ]
I don't think it will ever happen.
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