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Unit 4 Shopping (пересказ)

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Слово или фраза
1. A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world
is not in London, New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw.
2. It's called Nowy Swiat
[ 2 it'z kɔ:ld nɔwaɪ swiat ]
which means New World.
3. There are very wide pavements, statues, palaces,
[ 3 ðɛə ɑ: 'veri waid 'peivmənts 'stætju:z 'pælisiz ]
attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high-class restaurants.
4. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is
that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods.
5. Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops,
[ 5 nɔwaɪ swiat haz ə lɔt əv smɔ:l ʃɔps ]
specialist shops, and chic shops.
6. If you want an exquisite hand-made suit,
[ 6 if ju: wɔnt æn 'ekskwizit hænd-meid sju:t ]
Nowy Swiat is the place to go, but it isn't cheap.
7. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods
[ 7 ət ðe ʃɔp pantera ju: kæn bai 'leðə gudz ]
handbags, purses, coats, and belts.
8. And there are a lot of small boutiques
[ 8 ənd ðɛə ɑ: ə lɔt əv smɔ:l bu:'ti:ks ]
that sell men's and women's clothes that aren't too expensive.
9. If you are tired,
[ 9 if ju: ɑ: 'taiəd ]
stop at Café Blikle.
10. The frozen yoghurt and ice-creams are excellent,
[ 10 ðe 'frəuzn yɔghʌrt ənd ais-kri:mz ɑ: 'eksələnt ]
and its famous doughnuts are delicious.
11. It is possible to travel the world
[ 11 it iz 'pɔsəbl tu: trævl ðe wə:ld ]
and find the same things for sale in every country.
12. But Warsaw is different because its shops are unique
[ 12 bʌt warsaw iz 'difərənt bi:'kɔ:z its ʃɔps ɑ: ju:nikw ]
and they're in Nowy Swiat.
is not in London, New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw.
[ iz nɔt in 'lʌndən nju: yɔrk ɔ: 'pæris bʌt in warsaw ]
1. A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world
which means New World.
[ wiʧ mi:nz nju: wə:ld ]
2. It's called Nowy Swiat
attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high-class restaurants.
3. There are very wide pavements, statues, palaces,
that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods.
4. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is
specialist shops, and chic shops.
[ 'speʃəlist ʃɔps ənd ʃi:k ʃɔps ]
5. Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops,
Nowy Swiat is the place to go, but it isn't cheap.
[ nɔwaɪ swiat iz ðe pleis tu: gəu bʌt it isn't ʧi:p ]
6. If you want an exquisite hand-made suit,
handbags, purses, coats, and belts.
[ 'hændbægz pə:siz kəuts ənd belts ]
7. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods,
that sell men's and women's clothes that aren't too expensive.
8. And there are a lot of small boutiques
stop at Café Blikle.
[ stɔp ət kafé blikl ]
9. If you are tired,
and its famous doughnuts are delicious.
[ ənd its 'feiməs 'dəunʌts ɑ: di'liʃəs ]
10. The frozen yoghurt and ice-creams are excellent,
and find the same things for sale in every country.
[ ənd faind ðe seim θiŋz fɔ: seil in 'evri 'kʌntri ]
11. It is possible to travel the world
and they're in Nowy Swiat.
[ ənd ðey'r in nɔwaɪ swiat ]
12. But Warsaw is different because its shops are unique
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